Mesin BHJC ngarancang Mesin Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting pikeun palanggan anu ngahasilkeun pita roda

BHJC Mesin dirancang Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Mesin pikeun konsumén ngahasilkeun pita kabayang.Mesin Shot Blasting leutik ieu khusus dirarancang pikeun ngabersihan band kabayang.

Dina Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Mesin ieu pita kabayang cleaned gancang sarta pangaruh anu beredar.mesin Ieu paling ongkos-éféktif pikeun blasting kabayang band shot diantara jenis séjén mesin shot blasting, kayaning tipe hook shot mesin blasting jeung péngkolan méja makéna mesin blasting.

Kontak wawakil BHJC pikeun inpo nu leuwih lengkep.
BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (1)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (2)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (3)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (4)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (5)

waktos pos: Apr-12-2022